Tendonitis shockwave therapy

Shockwave Therapy and Tendonitis

Tendons are tough, flexible bands of fibrous tissue throughout the body that attach muscles to the bones. The inflammation of the tendon is called tendinitis (also known as tendonitis). In most cases the cause of the inflammation is unknown; the condition usually happens when a particular motion is repeated to often (overuse), when the level of activity is increased rapidly (overload), and sometimes when caused by an infection. Read More

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Jogging Injuries physiotherapy

Jogging Ahead

The ice is clearing from the sidewalks, the sun is shining and we no longer see our breath when we breathe – that can only mean one thing: it’s time to dust off the running shoes and get outside for  a jog!  The health benefits of jogging are plentiful – ranging from weight loss and improved fitness reduced appetite and helping to improve our mood. However, there are potential ‘potholes’ for the 6 and a half million jogging Canadians. Read More

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