

The term sciatica is often used when referring to back, buttocks, or leg pain. It is however, not a disease or a condition but a symptom of an underlying problem. Known as the largest nerve in human body, the sciatic nerve is formed by the union of 5 nerve roots from the lower spine. When an individual experiences a sharp, burning, or searing pain along the back and outer part of the thigh and/ or leg, it indicates that the sciatic nerve is either irritated or inflamed. Symptoms The pain occurs anywhere along the sciatic nerve with varied severity (from...

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shivering from this cold fall weather

Our Body During Fall Season

Brrr.....Brrr...Brrr... Did you hear that? That’s not the sound of the car engine. Wait, I think I know what it is! That’s the sound of my friend Will who’s shivering from this cold fall weather. I guess summer is really over. Now let us remind Will how to properly equip himself to be able to enjoy this season. The temperature has dropped and the colours of the trees are slowly changing. These are the changes we see and experience outside our homes. However, some people would experience increased aches and pains in muscles and joints during cold, wet and unsettled weather...

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Psychotherapy, is also known as talk therapy.  It is a way to help people with a broad variety of mental illnesses and emotional difficulties. It can help with: Difficulties in coping with daily life The impact of trauma Medical illness Loss (death of a loved one) Specific mental disorders, like depression or anxiety. There are many different types of psychotherapy.  Some types may work better than others depending on the patient or issue. Psychotherapy may be used in combination with medication or other therapies. Therapy sessions can be done for individuals, families, couples, and even in groups. Both adults and...

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