Acupuncture consists of placing ultra-thin needles on various points on the body to help re-direct the flow of blood and Qi (energy). Pain and disease occur in areas where blood and...
Find out MoreChiropody Services
Chiropody is a branch of medical science that involves the assessment and management of foot and lower limb disorders. Chiropody is practiced by qualified;\, regulated practitioners...
Find out MoreChiropractic Therapy
Chiropractic is a drug free, manual approach to health care that includes patient assessment, diagnosis and, treatment. Chiropractors are primary health care professionals in Canada...
Find out MoreMassage Therapy
Massage therapy is a preventative and rehabilitative health care modality. It is preventative in that it addresses emerging pain patterns before they become chronic, and rehabilitative...
Find out MoreNaturopathy
Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. The naturopathic philosophy is...
Find out MorePhysiotherapy
Physiotherapy is the art and science underlying movement and function, whereby physiotherapists make clinical judgements and apply their skills to develop a client’s functional abilities....
Find out MorePelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy is the art and science underlying movement and function, whereby physiotherapists make clinical judgements and apply their skills to develop a client’s functional abilities....
Find out MorePsychotherapy
Physiotherapy is the art and science underlying movement and function, whereby physiotherapists make clinical judgements and apply their skills to develop a client’s functional abilities....
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